
Enterprise performance
Unit Module of Integrated modular house by flat pack

unit module of Integrated modular house by flat pack is a kind of integrated housing, which suitable for buildings below three floors. It is convenient for transportation, rapid assembly, stable structure, good sealing. It can be assembled in various ways and suitable for various fields and industries. Its anti-seismic, waterproof, thermal insulation, fire prevention and other performances can meet the specifications.

  • 秀山| 米易县| 荣昌县| 大安市| 永吉县| 义马市| 德钦县| 岢岚县| 白银市| 西林县| 堆龙德庆县| 北辰区| 日照市| 青田县| 玉山县| 澎湖县| 广水市| 凭祥市| 台江县| 金坛市| 喀喇沁旗| 柘城县| 黎城县| 洞口县| 赣州市| 民勤县| 疏勒县| 岳西县| 水富县| 大厂| 措勤县| 永昌县| 阜平县| 天长市| 林甸县| 阿勒泰市| 山东| 新郑市| 贵港市| 济阳县| 永新县|