
Enterprise performance
Airbus A320 series Flight Final Assembly Line project in China-Final Assembly Plant

The final assembly plant is composed of the final assembly hall and auxiliary buildings, of which the final assembly hall has a construction area of 19400 m2 and a steel truss structure with a span of 70m.

  • 财经| 平乐县| 黄冈市| 丹凤县| 镇远县| 杭锦旗| 临汾市| 永济市| 星子县| 长武县| 新竹市| 长寿区| 盐亭县| 三台县| 宾阳县| 中江县| 海阳市| 凌源市| 沂水县| 蓝田县| 禹州市| 灵山县| 合江县| 拜城县| 澄城县| 泉州市| 靖江市| 山阳县| 理塘县| 衢州市| 历史| 堆龙德庆县| 徐闻县| 子长县| 栾城县| 渭源县| 黑水县| 两当县| 皋兰县| 阆中市| 抚州市|