
Enterprise performance
Huo Yuanjia Memorial Hall

The main structure of the project is all steel structure. The project is a circular structure with a diameter of 60m, and the "Tai Chi"figure is divided into three layers.

  • 敦化市| 韩城市| 遵义县| 穆棱市| 平阳县| 寻甸| 茶陵县| 大同市| 舟山市| 响水县| 靖西县| 荃湾区| 双鸭山市| 广东省| 汕尾市| 孝感市| 柳河县| 武夷山市| 邢台县| 抚远县| 甘南县| 鄯善县| 新津县| 子长县| 鄄城县| 朝阳区| 上栗县| 垦利县| 高青县| 萨嘎县| 腾冲县| 漳浦县| 社旗县| 乌什县| 北碚区| 宜兰县| 桐乡市| 海原县| 通榆县| 安图县| 五指山市|